Please help us to evangelize Chiapas by means of your donation!

Let’s not allow this pandemic to wipe out our lay missionaries

It is a great blessing that Pope Francis proclaimed this year (December 8, 2020 - December 8, 2021) as a year dedicated to Saint Joseph. It happens to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary (1991-2021) of the presence of the Full-Time Lay Missionaries in the state of Chiapas.

In his Apostolic Letter, Patris corde, the Pope begins by saying, “With a father’s heart: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as ‘the son of Joseph’”. Our Full-Time Lay Missionaries also strive daily to emulate the virtues of Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church. These men are humble, just and always willing to carry out God’s will, obeying their parish priests and bishops, making long, hard, and sometimes dangerous treks so as to announce the Gospel message to those who are most in need of His uplifting word. During this terrible COVID-19 pandemic, they have taken on the role of thanatologists and kindly guides for boys and girls who have lost their parents or grand-parents to the virus.

Please help us with your generous donation so that we be able to continue to sustain all of our Lay Missionaries, and hopefully, increase their numbers. The more Lay Missionaries we have, more souls are saved and lives transformed.

Jesus said (Mt 9:37, 38): “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” We pray that you will collaborate with the Master so that He might be able to send out more laborers for His harvest in Chiapas, Mexico.

Support Full-Time Lay Missionaries of Chiapas with a donation

$200 MXN $500 MXN $1,000 MXN


Ecclesia.App is a SIGNIS Mexico project focused on generations of Catholic faithful who use technological tools on a daily basis.


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